Empowerment is the key to leadership.

Unlock your full potential and face challenging situations with certainty through our leadership programmes.

Bespoke Programmes for Transformative Leadership

Transform your business with ULR’s Leadership and Management Training Programmes.

Our tailor-made programmes equip you with the skills, knowledge, and abilities to lead effectively, manage proficiently, and inspire your teams to navigate complex business challenges, thereby achieving higher performance levels and operational efficiency.
There are three key elements of a powerful leadership and management pipeline:

A talent pool of engaged employees.

Robust training that actively develops that talent.

Culture that supports and rewards leadership and management excellence.

What We Have To Offer

Our programmes are underpinned by our extensive suite of resources which are the framework for our programmes.


Their team of experienced facilitators deliver what they say they will do that achieves
–  NHS Business Manager
The impact of ULR’s programmes on our organisation has been first-class. We have
witnessed a positive shift in our leaders' behaviours, as they have become more self-
aware, empathetic, and capable of inspiring their teams.
– Water Management Consortium
Facilitation skills and coaching have been superb which has helped us to formulate
our plans fully, moving them from good ideas to fully formed, measurable, and robust
processes, enabling changes and efficiencies to our organisation.
– Founder, HR Company
From leadership interventions for CEOs and Senior Teams to development programmes for emerging leaders and team leaders, ILM qualifications up to master’s level and generic business and personal skills programmes, we have a bespoke solution to support your business whatever its requirement.


In today's fast-paced environment, both private and public sectors face unique challenges. Our programme, 'Creating Space,' provides a practical solution to enhance leadership and navigate organisational complexities.

Unlike traditional training, 'Creating Space' adopts a blended learning approach, equipping participants with essential knowledge and tools to lead effectively and tackle challenges proactively, making a positive impact in their organisation.
Download more information

A small example of our 
Development Programmes:

  • Beyond 1:1 conversations
  • Contracting that counts
  • Emerging Leaders
  • What’s in ‘my control’
  • Making it happen
  • Selling: Chess not draughts
  • Creating a bespoke people strategy
  • Cost of kindness
  • Making the most of my leadership role
  • Resilience to retain
  • Feedback for who?
  • Dealing with ambiguity
  • We need more staff! Really !!
  • My impact on others
  • Leadership – punching above my weight
You will tap into over 45 years of combined experience in learning, development, leadership and management as ULR work with you to develop your bespoke programmes starting with scoping right through to presenting you with your end result.

A blend of ULR’s resources and yours swept up into a focussed and powerful programme, delivered by first class facilitators.

Combining remote, virtual and on-site workshops all underpinned by the practical application of transformational leadership which has never been more critical to foster a culture of empowerment and inclusion and, build high-performing, resilient and agile teams.

Why Choose us

Leadership training offers significant value to a business by developing their leaders to achieve organisational vision, strategy and goals.

ULR’s leadership and management programmes are tailored to your requirements enabling you to instil a culture of learning into your organisation in a way that both supports your people and grows your business.